Appeal - please read .......

I'm interupting my Mofo blogging with a completely unrelated post but one that is really important to me. The woman in this photo is my friend Jan. If you read the blog regularly you'll know that the organisation I work for has just had a big restructure. Jan was one of the people who took redundancy. She used her money to go out to Uganda. She has a son who lives there who she goes to visit as often as she can and she's also started making connections with artists and musicians out there with a view to setting up exchanges with artists in Manchester. Jan is a photographer and artist and has done great work over the years in our local community and is very supportive of other artists.

Just over a week ago Jan was in a really bad road traffic accident where the motorcycle taxi she was travelling in was hit by a car. It was a hit and run and both Jan and the driver were very badly injured. She has a shattered pelvis and it looks likely she'll need a hip replacement. At the moment she's in tremendous pain. Friends here are working with the British Embassy to get Jan back to England to be operated on here. Outstanding costs for her treatment and a medically assisted flight are £8,000. A fund has been set up to raise this money. I know you don't know her but she is the sort of person who would be the first in line trying to help if this had happened to anyone else. She's been a great friend to me especially when things haven't always been so good. There a numerous times when I was having a bad day and I'd return to my desk to find a paper bag containing a vegan muffin or there'd be some glittery stars sprinkled round my keyboard or she'd send me a link to an amazing piece of music or artwork. I know times are financially hard for everyone but if you could spare even just a small amount I would be incredibly grateful. xxxx

Update 27 September - A huge thanks to everyone who donated, shared on Facebook + email and retweeted. An incredible 182 people pitched in and together raised the funds. Jan has flown back to the UK this afternoon.


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