
Dough Pizza Kitchen has a special place it my heart. I've been there for many people's birthdays, lots of date nights and I even ate there the evening I came home and started this blog! From when it first opened in 2008 Dough have always catered for different dietary choices. They offer dairy free cheese and a choice of standard, wholemeal and gluten free pizza bases. In addition to the mains there are also a couple of vegan dessert options, dairy free ice cream and soya milk is available. Forget Pizza Express, this is the way it should be done!

The building on High Street is light and modern inside and over two floors. It seats up to 140 people so it's a great choice if you're going out in a big group or on a work's do. It's housed in a fantastic old building and I love how they restored the facade.

Situated on a corner at 75-77, High Street, Dough is surrounded by bars, particularly cocktail bars. In fact you may not know that Apotheca the cocktail bar next door is owned by the same people and it's connected to Dough by an underground tunnel! Also definitely worth checking out if you're around in the daytime is the Chinese Arts Centre which is just around the corner and has some great contemporary art exhibitions and an interesting gift shop.


  1. I love Dough! It's great to be able to go out for pizza and feel normal about it. No more bringing my own block of cheese and everyone looking at me like I'm a weirdo!

    Plus the brownies are AMAZING.

  2. ooh - which vegan cheese do they use? And what cake?! Enquiring minds want to know!

  3. Joey, I'm not sure which cheese. I did ask once and was told by the waiter that he didn't know the name but thought it came from Scotland so maybe by Bute Island? I'm not a big vegan cheese fan apart from Vegusto but whatever they use works well on the pizzas. Desserts are things like a chocolate brownie and peanut butter blondie combo. These are made by bakery Lily and Dilly who I'll be interviewing on Friday.

  4. I really must go here. It sounds great.

  5. The dessert I had at Dough was amazing!

  6. It sounds lovely! If I ever get up to Manchester I'll definitely visit it! Not many places with vegan pizza options seem to also offer vegan desserts, so it's great to hear about a place that does!

  7. Looks and sounds amazing! Will love to go to Dough if I could! :)


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