Pie and Ale

I am tormented by Pie and Ale on a daily basis. The bar is directly behind my office and I sit near a window. The said window has been open a lot this summer and my colleagues and I have had our senses assaulted on a daily basis by the wonderful aromas of freshly baked breads and pies drifting upwards and into our workspace! We even have an office tradition of Pay Day Pie Day. I've yet to indulge on a pay day but I did manage to make my first visit to Pie and Ale a few Fridays ago after work. 

Pie and Ale is owned and run by the same people who started Bakerie which is just next door on Lever Street (Pie and Ale is set back from the road in the arcade behind the Hive building). The pies are served with mash and gravy with a changing daily menu. There are vegetarian and vegan pie options and I'm pleased to say that the pastry, mash and gravy for these is vegan friendly. On the Friday evening we visited the place was packed and they were even having to turn people away! We managed to just snag an outside table. If you're going at a busy time I'd recommend booking if you want to eat. The venue is also a nice bar with a changing selection of ales from local micro breweries.

As you can see from the picture I really enjoyed my dish. The vegan option that day was a Caribbean influenced mango and chickpea pie. I wasn't sure when I ordered it how that flavour combination was going to work especially with mash and gravy but it tasted wonderful! There was some heat to the pie and I'm not great with chilli but it wasn't overpowering and I happily polished off the whole lot! I'm looking forward to going back and trying some of their other flavour combinations.


  1. PIE! Totally gonna be all over that

  2. Mmm, pie! You can't beat pie and mash. Wish I wasn't so far from Manchester.

  3. Ooooh, PIE! This looks so delicious!

  4. Oh my god, i have never bothered checking the menu here. More fool me. Loving your NQ vegan roundup!


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