V Revolution

If you've been following my Mofo posts where I've been blogging about vegan eats in Manchester's Northern Quarter you'll have noticed one name that keeps cropping up again and again. All of the people I interviewed picked out this place and it's dear to my heart so I wanted to save it for my final Mofo post. V Revolution initially opened as a record shop selling some vegan groceries. As time has gone on the shop has evolved and become a cafe too. It can be found right at the end of Oldham Street. Alongside the vinyl, zines and t-shirts you can pick up all manner of vegan cheeses, faux meats, snack bars, icecream, chocolate, marshmallows etc. And the burgers, oh my, the burgers......How about a mini mac?

Or a jack fruit based pulled pork sandwich with home made coleslaw.

Or a Schnitzel Royale with extra bacon.

This one is the Towering Inferno.

There's even a loyalty card for their specials.

In their unwavering dedication to produce the finest vegan junk food there's also lovely made on the premises pre-packed sandwiches in flavours like Chicken and Sweetcorn and Jerk Beef and Pickle - take that Boots Meal Deal! And of course let's not forget cake supplied by Lily and Dilly.

As well as sandwich cakes like this Ginger and Chocolate one there's often things like bakewell slices and brownies. On a special occasion like Manchester Pride you may even come across something like this!

The guys at V Revolution do a fantastic job of running this place and keeping us all well fed. They are also really supportive of local community and DIY stuff. There's a huge community noticeboard and leaflet table and regular gigs and art exhibitions in the shop. They also allow the space to be used free of charge for initiatives such as Manchester Vegan Pot Luck and Cake Liberation Front meet ups. We're really lucky to have somewhere like this in Manchester and it's a recommended must stop for any visitor to the city.


  1. I feel like I should stand up and salute all their good work for veganism - that pride cake and the towering inferno are works of genius!

  2. all the food looks really tasty! i like punch cards - i wish more places did them!

  3. i have never heard manchester as radical and revolutionary<>><<>my anchestor william joseph barlow was a barley farmer right in the middle of rural salford<><><>is salford still ???


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