Chamomile Tea Hot Toddy

The chamomile flower is well known for it's soothing relaxing qualities. It's distinctive flavours are not to everyone's taste though. In herbal tea form it is often paired with honey with the sweetness of the honey tempering the bitterness of the chamomile. As vegans avoid honey I've come up with my own version using coconut sugar instead. According to Barnivore the orange brand name liqueurs Grand Marnier and Cointreau are suitable for vegans as are some brands of triple sec. It's a cross between a cocktail and a medicinal drink as it would also make a great evening drink when you feel you've got a cold coming on as I do today.

Chamomile Hot Toddy

Makes 1 serving

2 teaspoons of loose chamomile flowers or one chamomile teabag
Boiling water
1 shot of orange liqueur or if you don't have this try a shot of brandy and half a freshly squeezed orange
1 teaspoon of coconut sugar (I used Coconom coconut sugar with ginger)

Make a mug of chamomile tea. Once this is brewed stir in the orange liqueur and coconut sugar.

Sit back, sip and relax. Sweet dreams.


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