Popcorn Tea Poached Pears with Ninjabread Men

I've made tea poached pears a few times in the past but always with Earl Grey. I decided for Mofo to try a different tea. I came across this recipe online for Ginger and Jasmine Tea-Poached Pears. It sounded great and I was going to use Jasmine tea until I came across this organic Genmaicha 'popcorn' tea in my local Chinese supermarket. The popcorn flavours come from the addition of roasted rice and make the tea smell and taste great.

First off I made some tea in our new teapot which was a house warming gift from our friend Sarah and her family. Isn't it fab!

This then went into a large pan. Alongside the strongly brewed tea there was Coconom Ginger coconut sugar and slices of fresh ginger.

The recipe recommended serving with your favourite gingersnap cookies so I got on with making some whilst the pears stewed.

My ninjabread cookie cutters were a Christmas gift from my friend Susan and this recipe seemed perfect for their first outing! Here they are fighting over the pears.


  1. Oooh yum, I love poached pears especially if they're served with something like a gingerbread cookie or some chocolate sauce.

  2. What fun cookie shapes! :)

  3. cute cookies & flavors perfect for fall!


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