Lady Grey and Chocolate Orange Biscuits

Baking supplies company Sugar and Crumbs recently sent me two of their new flavoured chocolate icing sugars to try. These will launch this month and contain some exciting flavours. Watch out for my recipe coming up involving the black forest chocolate icing sugar! As it's Vegan Mofo and my theme is tea I'd thought I'd use them to create some treats to go with specific types of tea. Although Earl Grey has been a favourite tea of mine for years I have to admit I'd never tried Lady Grey until a few days ago. I'm a total convert though and love the lemon and orange flavours of this black tea. I used Twinnings Lady Grey.

This recipe uses the Sugar and Crumbs Jaffa Twist icing sugar. I went for a simple cut out cookie that uses the icing sugar as the sugar in the cookie batter mixture. I have a huge jar of cookie cutters and had completely forgotten that I had this cute teapot cutter.


1/2 cup of jaffa twist chocolate icing sugar from Sugar and Crumbs
1/2 cup of flour
1/2 cup of margarine
A few drops of vanilla extract
1 cup + 2 tablespoons of plain flour
1/8 teaspoon of salt
1/8 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda
Additional icing sugar for icing to decorate

Heat the oven to 350F/180C

Cream the half cup of icing sugar and the margarine. Stir in the vanilla extract.

In a separate bowl sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda and the salt. Mix these together then add to the sugar and margarine mixture. Mix it all together to form the cookie dough.

Roll the dough out on a floured board and cut out the biscuits with your favourite cutter.

Bake for 12-14 minutes. Leave to cool on the baking tray for a few minutes before removing to a cooling rack to cool completely. Mix up some simple icing with the icing sugar and water and add a circle to the middle of the biscuit. Enjoy with a cup of Lady Grey. Hand painted 1930's sandwich plate inherited from Matt's nana.


  1. I love your cookie cutter! Very cool! That icing sounds ace, I'll be on the lookout for it

  2. Wow, I wish we could get nifty icing things like that here.
    Love the cookie cutter. :)

  3. That cookie cutter is adorable! I'll have to give Lady Grey tea a try sometime.

  4. I am so making these! Thanks for the recipe. looking forward to your other tea based posts, more for the biscuits than tea I'll admit heh. I can't bear Earl Grey I'm afraid, I find it too 'perfumey'.

  5. Hang on, where's the margarine? The amount? I was thinking they were fat free for a moment, which is impossible I think heh.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Well spotted Michelle! You are eagle eyed. Afraid they're not fat free, there's 1/2 cup of Vitalite in them. Recipe is ammended now.

    1. Makes a change for me to notice anything hahaha. That's not bad half a cup :) x

  8. Lady Grey is my favourite tea (Earl Grey a close second) and I'll be thinking of these cute little cookies on my next cuppa, which is now! If only I could reach into the screen and grab one! :o)

  9. That is just the coolest cookie cutter! That chocolate icing looks incredible inviting, particularly next to that awesome tea pot. I'm coming over for tea - stick the kettle on!

  10. That cookie cutter fits so perfectly with your theme and the cookies sounds delicious.


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