Earl Grey IPA

In keeping with my tea theme I'll be finishing off Veganmofo 2014 by raising a glass of Earl Grey beer to all the bloggers round the world who've taken part in this fantastic event. Well done everyone! I feel like I've only skimmed the surface of what's out there so I'll be doing what I do every year and that's using my lunch breaks at work to check out all the blogs that have taken part between now and Mofo 2015.

This lovely Indian pale ale is brewed by a local Manchester brewery, Marble Beers. Their beers are available more widely though so keep an eye out for them. Although they carry the Vegetarian Society logo they are all in fact suitable for vegans. Check out the full range and the lovely bottle designs. My mate Jan is their graphic designer and gets to taste all the new beers first, what a great job!


  1. Really enjoyed your theme this MoFo! :)

  2. That beer was the favourite at the vegan beer fest I co-organised in 2013 and people are still talking about it! It's absolutely stunning.

  3. Happy MoFo! I've loved your theme and am glad I found your blog.

  4. Thanks for all of the wonderful MoFo posts. I've pinned quite a few recipes to try. It was such a fun theme.

  5. Great theme! I never knew there was an Earl Grey IPA

  6. OMG! Earl Grey in a beer it sounds amazing! :o)


    I'll drink to you excellent theme!


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