Vegan Banana, Chai and Peach Smoothie

I love a good smoothie for breakfast. I'd never added tea to one until I made last week's Green Tea Smoothie but after the success of that I thought I'd try another tea based smoothie. I used a red bush chai but if you fancied a morning caffeine boost a black tea based chai would work just as well. I brewed the tea the evening before and left it in the fridge overnight. For the milk I used the new M and S coconut milk.


1 banana
2 small or one large peach or nectarine
Half a teaspoon of cinnamon
1 cup of strong chai tea (I made it with two tea bags)
Half a cup of coconut milk
A teaspoon of Sweet Freedom or other honey substitute

When you're ready to go add all the ingredients to the blender putting in the wet ingredients last and blend away.

Of course there's loads of add in extras that would go well with this. I added half a teaspoon of my favourite pre and pro biotic powder Prime Selection and superfood powders like maca and baobab would work really well with these flavours. What other teas do you think would work well in a smoothie?


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