Mint Tea Julep

It's the weekend so here's this week's tea infused cocktail recipe. I used to work in the wine and spirit industry and I can remember being at a rum tasting and it being a real revelation to see cheap white rum being transformed for use in a cocktail after it was muddled with an Earl Grey tea bag, muddling being the mixologists term for giving it a good old stir. My friend Julian reminded me of this when he told me all his many uses for peppermint tea bags including iced tea, cocktails and even gravy! I've taken the idea here to make a quick and easy mint julep. So, if fresh mint leaves are not available as long as you've got some mint teabags in your store cupboard you need never go without a julep or mojito. I just love cocktail accessories. She's not very clear in the picture but on the end of the stirrer is an Hawaiian hula dancer. I have a set of these and a set of monkeys wearing fezs.

Mint Tea Julep
Serves 1


1 peppermint teabag
50ml/2 fl oz of bourbon
1 teaspoon of icing sugar (powdered sugar)
6-8 icecubes

Place the mint tea bag, bourbon and sugar in a cocktail shaker and gently muddle with a spoon for a few minutes.

Add the ice cubes, shake then strain into a tumbler over ice.

Do you have any other use for mint tea bags?


  1. I never thought of using mint tea bags that way, such a good idea! I love mojitos and I've got mint in the garden right now but come winter I think I will try this! Thanks for the great tip!

  2. I use my mint tea bags to make iced tea all summer. Extra refreshing!

  3. So that's what a julep is! I've always wondered! I kept seeing people reading them in F Scott Fitzgerald books never knew just what they were drinking. I don't like whisky, but I drink about a million pints of mint tea a day...

    1. Haha, yep they always make me think of The Great Gatsby!

  4. You could totally make something like this in a hotel room with the regular sugar packets!! I never use the tea bags for anything!


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