Lapsang Souchong Smoked Tofu

When I decided to do tea for my Mofo theme I started having a look around the internet to see what kind of savoury tea related recipes people have created. One that caught my eye was this Smoked Tea Infused Tofu from the wonderful blog Seitan Is My Motor. I tweaked the recipe changing a few ingredients whilst hoping it would come out like a almost bacon like tofu I once made with tofu that had been frozen first.

A 250g block of tofu, frozen and then defrosted
150ml of lapsang souchong tea (2 teabags), brewed and left to cool
1 dessert spoon of Henderson's relish (if you can't find this Sheffield delicacy then veggie Worcestershire Sauce will do)
1 dessert spoon of soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of smoked paprika
2 dessertspoons of maple syrup
2 cloves of pressed garlic

Once the tofu has defrosted, press it with kitchen towels to get the water out. Slice the tofu and place in a large dish. Pour over the marinade and leave overnight.
Heat some olive oil in a pan and fry the tofu slices until browned on each side. This takes good cold and we had it in a salad with chopped avocado.

It didn't come out bacon like as I'd hoped. I think the tofu was so spongy it soaked up loads of the marinade. Thinking back I seem to remember a dry rub and grilling the tofu to get a crispy outcome. It did have great flavours though. The texture reminded me more of strips of omelette. It worked really well too on a barm cake as a BLT and was definitely worth experimenting with.


  1. I only recently started freezing tofu, I love that it works really well for soaking up marinade (although I guess it wouldn't go crispy because it's more...absorbent?). I've always wanted to try tea smoked tofu, it sounds really interesting!

    1. M and S's free in store magazine has an article this month on how to tea smoke salmon in a wok. Thinking of trying it out with tofu instead!

  2. I love frozen tofu and I think I am going to try your version of the recipe. Thanks for trying mine:)

  3. I love anything tofu related so this is right up my street!

  4. Lapsang! My favorite fall tea! I'm loving your MoFo.

  5. Barm cake! There's a phrase I've not heard for a while! I think Lapsang might actually be my favourite tea (a long list, to be honest!) and I really like this idea. Such a nice savoury flavour.


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