More Raw Chocolate Treats

Raw chocolate is expensive compared to non raw chocolate although you tend not to eat as much of it in one go. Om Bars have been around for a while and tend to be the best value raw chocolate bars I've found retailing at around £1.99, they come in various flavours and very nice they are too.

They've just bought out several more flavours which are enhanced by probiotics. I do like a probiotic. I am addicted to Prime Directive which I have every morning in my breakfast smoothie. I tried the new probiotic coconut flavour earlier. I tend to prefer coconut in savoury things like curries rather than with chocolate but this was good. They've also stopped using agave for coconut sugar which apparently has an even lower GI. Read more here.


  1. Interesting stuff from what I've read in the link. I can only eat chocolate with a low fibre content. Oddly enough some of the plain vegan chocolate is fine, others are incredibly fibrous. Do you know the fibre content of it?

    And have you seen this?
    it has some fab meals on it. :) x

  2. Hiya, the wrapper says the fibre content is 10.3g per 100g or 3.8g in this 30g bar.Not sure whether that is high or low?
    Thanks for the reminder about Parsley Soup. Haven't looked on there for ages and there is some really good stuff. I use the gingerbread men recipe and I made the Millionaires Shortbread as a leaving present for a friend last year. They were a bit time consuming to make (3 stages) and the caramel making was a bit scary but they turned out brilliantly!

  3. Have you tried the strawberry version of this? It's so good! And I love that there are probiotics in them :)

  4. Hi Sarah, no not yet but I am planning to work my way through the range!

  5. speaking of probiotics, have you tried making homemade yogurt, kefir or kombucha? I've heard that it's really easy to make, and is healthier than the ones bought on stores. here's a good video that explains why : also, I remember seeing a probiotic chocolate bar (i think it was called attune), although I haven't tried it yet.


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